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         Welcome delegates to the Washington Academy Model United Nations 2016. The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body in the United Nations responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the world. The council is made up of 47 state members, which are elected by the United Nations General Assembly.


           The council is based on a universal set of values that were declared by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The most important task in the Council is to protect the basic rights of every citizen. The Council has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues. Among the topics discussed, civil rights is one of the most important, including freedom of movement, religious worship, right to life, personal integrity and rights concerning gender, and religious equality among others. Human rights can be very controversial depending on the position of the Member States. 


           My name is Analuisa Villegas and I was selected by the Secretary-General to be the Chair of this committee along with Guillermo Rodríguez from Colegio Jefferson as your Co-Chair and Santiago Illarramendi as your secretary. I have had previous MUN experience since the 8th grade, both as a delegate and chair. It is my honor to welcome you to this committee, and hope you enjoy debating in a respectful and meaningful way.




Analuisa Villegas F.

Chair, Human Rights Council


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