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Here you can learn more about your chairs, co-chairs and secretaries, and get to know them better. Scroll down and find your committee to read interviews, view pictures, and more!

Chair: Isabella Otero

Co-Chairs: José Alejandro Puig & Alan Mondolfi


Name: Isabella Otero

Age: 18

Favorite food: Tuna

Hobbies: Running, surfing, playing soccer

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Being able to control time

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Phoebe from Friends

Top three things on your Bucket List: Live in Hawaii, climb the Roraima, surf the pipe

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Stubborn

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Insulting a delegate during my speech

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Four-cheese pizza (because I have more than one layer)

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Batman

Chair: Vera Colmenter

Co-Chair: Andrew Ruozzi

Secretary: Daniel Morales-Bello


Name: Vera Colmenter

Age: 17

Favorite food: Pasta

Hobbies: Wakeboarding and cooking

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Supernatural speed

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games

Top three things on your Bucket List: Run a marathon, own a food company, speak more than 5 languages

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Fabulous

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Fall asleep

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? ''CON TODO''

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Ironman without a doubt, he is my buddy

Chair: Analuisa Villegas

Co-Chair: Guillermo Rodríguez (Colegio Jefferson)

Secretary: Santiago Illarramendi


Name: Analuisa Villegas

Age: 18

Favorite food: Sushi

Hobbies: Sleeping

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Eat all the chocolate I want without gaining any weight

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl

Top three things on your Bucket List: skydiving, travel around the world, eat sushi in Japan.

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Insecure

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Fall asleep

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Prosciutto with goat cheese

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Ironman

Chair: Isabella Castro

Co-Chair: Alexandra Gazzani

Secretary: Gabriela Piovesan


Name: Isabella Castro

Age: 17

Favorite food: Anything chocolate-related

Hobbies: Sleeping and eating

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Teletransportation

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Rusty Borgens from Stuck in Love

Top three things on your Bucket List: travel the world, do skydiving, try a hamburger in every place I visit in the world and find the best one

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Small

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Checkout the Co-Chair throughout the entire MUN

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Extra cheese

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Batman, obviously

Chair: David Torres

Co-Chair: Iván Morales-Bello

Secretary: Juan Andrés Tagliaferro


Name: David Torres

Age: 17

Favorite food: Grilled lobster served in a pool of melted garlic-parsley butter

Hobbies: Watch the Walking Dead, play tennis, eat a lot, complain about IB homework

If you could have any superpower what would it be? The power to grow Donald Trump’s hair

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars

Top three things on your Bucket List: buy a kangaroo, own a magic chocolate factory, read the entire Harry Potter series

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Stunning

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Forget to turn off the volume when playing Pac Man in my computer

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Probably shrimp, as I wouldn’t like to be eaten by humans

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Well I believe we all know the answer to this question. Clearly Batman would wipe Ironman’s robotic @#!!. I mean, imagine how cool it is to be called the “dark knight of Gotham”. Ironman should just move aside, he’s no match for Batman. No one is.

Chair: Enrique Fábregas

Co-Chair: Anais Lorentz

Secretary: Carlos Graterol


Name: Enrique Fábregas

Age: 17

Favorite food: Sushi

Hobbies: Playing tennis and read

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Freeze things

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf

Top three things on your Bucket List: Get into NYU, go to Cambodia, go to Thailand

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Cool

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Laughing at someone because of mispronouncing a word

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Pepperoni

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Batman

Chair: Annelies Smilde

Co-Chair: Luis De Zabala

Secretary: Helena Núñez


Name: Annelies Smilde

Age: 16

Favorite food: Cheeseburger

Hobbies: Soccer, Gaitas Jefferson 2015 #somosjefferson

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Invisibility

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Robin Scherbatsky from How I Met Your Mother

Top three things on your Bucket List: Be in two states at once, find Nemo, climb Roraima

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Sleep

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? That’s a secret I’ll never tell -xoxo

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Hawaiian

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Batman

Chair: Alejandro Karduss

Co-Chair: Luis Sosa

Secretary: Ana Paula Fratini


Name: Alejandro Karduss

Age: 18

Favorite food: Cachapas

Hobbies: FIFA

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Super speed

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Bruce Banner from Hulk

Top three things on your Bucket List: Play in a professional soccer game, skydiving, climb the Everest

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Catholic

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Going out of the committee crawling under the table. The whole committee saw it.

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Pernil

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Ironman, obviously

Presidente: Jorge Karduss

Vice-Presidente: Gabriel Matute

Secretaria: Rosana Pochat


Nombre: Jorge Karduss

Edad: 18

Comida favorita: Shawarma

Hobbie: Bucear

Si pudieses tener un súperpoder, ¿cuál sería? Parar el tiempo

¿Con qué personaje de televisión (película o serie) te identificas? Harvey Specter de Suits

Tres cosas de tu “Bucket List”: Escalar el Everest, lanzarme de paracaídas, aprender a manejar aviones

Si tuvieses que describirte en una palabra, ¿cuál sería? Serio

¿Qué es lo peor que has hecho dentro de un comité? Imagínate lo que sea

Si fueses una pizza, ¿qué sabor serías? Chili picante

¿Quién ganaría en una pelea: Ironman o Batman? Batman


Presidente: Patrick Dahdah

Vice-Presidente: Andrés Lefeld

Secretaria: Isabel López


Nombre: Patrick Dahdah

Edad: 18

Comida favorita: Sushi

Hobbie: Jugar fútbol y comer zanahorias

Si pudieses tener un súperpoder, ¿cuál sería? Leer mentes y tener súper visión

¿Con qué personaje de televisión (película o serie) te identificas? Jordan Belfort de The Wolf of Wall Street

Tres cosas de tu “Bucket List”: Llegar al millón de dólares, manejar un avión, conocer a Messi

Si tuvieses que describirte en una palabra, ¿cuál sería? Fabuloso

¿Qué es lo peor que has hecho dentro de un comité? No me dejaron ponerlo...

Si fueses una pizza, ¿qué sabor serías? Pizza de Shawarma

¿Quién ganaría en una pelea: Ironman o Batman? Ironman obviamente

Chair: María Eugenia Padrón

Co-Chairs: Analuisa Pimentel & Diana Marín


Name: María Eugenia Padrón

Age: 17

Favorite food: Bread and dark chocolate

Hobbies: Read, write, swim, skate, knit, crafts, draw, dance

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Mind reading and controlling elements

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Ewoks from Star Wars

Top three things on your Bucket List: Travel the world, speak at least eight languages fluently, explore as much things as I can

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Rainbow

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Encourage the delegates to follow Lady Gaga's example in the World Food Organization

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Hawaiian

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? None.

Chair: Oriana Seijas

Co-Chairs: Corina González

Secretary: Manuel Gómez


Name: Oriana Seijas

Age: 18

Favorite food: Every kind of food. Specially Chinese and Mexican

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, professional eater

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Eating without gaining weight

What movie or TV character do you identify with the most? Hodor from Game of Thrones

Top three things on your Bucket List: Travel around the world, live in my own apartment in Manhattan, get lost in any city for a while and just go with the flow and wander around

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Incredibly AWKWARD

What’s the worst thing you’ve done inside the committee? Yes

If you were a pizza, what flavor would you be? Caprese

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Ironman? Probably Batman

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