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            Welcome to the Security Council of the United Nations. You are now representing your country in one of the most vital bodies of the United Nations; a committee that discusses and takes decisions to maintain international peace and security. Created in 1945, the UN Security Council discusses issues such as but not limited to international conflicts, civil wars or terrorist groups. The decisions made in this committee have prevented and controlled conflicts worldwide.


            My name is María Eugenia Padrón and I will be your chair on WAMUN 2016. Analuisa Pimentel and Diana Marín will join me in the committee as your Co-Chairs.  Apart from attending several models like JMUN, and CREYMUN, I have been part of the WAMUN staff since 2014, starting as delegate, and finally as the chair of this committee. 


These booklets have been prepared to facilitate your research process and to give you a clearer and more specific idea of our expectations from you. However, be sure to conduct further research on the chosen topics in order to be fully prepared and generate a more dynamic debate within the conference. Please review and read the information in the links below, since these booklets are only a guide with general ideas and should not be your only source of information. We are all eager to join you in this year's conference, if you have any questions or if you just want to introduce yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can reach me at


Looking forward to meet you all, and for this to be a very enriching and constructive conference,


María Eugenia Padrón

Chair, Security Council Junior

February 13th, 14th, 15th


Washington Academy


WAMUN 2016


Academia Washington

Calle C de Valle Arriba

Caracas, VE 1080


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