Here you can learn more about our organizing staff and get to know them better. Scroll down to read interviews, view pictures, and more!
Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General
Secretary General
SofÃa Jiménez
Age: 18
Favorite food: Paella
Hobbies: Procrastinate, play soccer, chill
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Jessica Pearson from Suits
Top thing on your Bucket List: Win an Oscar
Deputy Secretary General
Vera Colmenter
Age: 17
Favorite food: Pasta
Hobbies: Wakeboarding and cooking
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Katniss from The Hunger Games
Top thing on your Bucket List: Run a marathon
MUN Director
Ana MarÃa Applewhite
Favorite food: Parrilla & Sushi
Hobbies: Watch TV series, read
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Top thing on your Bucket List: Visit Asia (specifically China, Japan and India)
ADMIN Chiefs
Sara Fernández
Age: 16
Favorite food: Chocolate
Hobbies: Play soccer, watch TV series and movies
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Between Monica and Phoebe from Friends
Top thing on your Bucket List: Start writing a bucket list
Ricardo Parra
Age: 17
Favorite food: Burritos
Hobbies: Knitting
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Jack from Titanic
Top thing on your Bucket List: Stop being so basic
Chiefs of Logistics
Isabel Blanco
Age: 17
Favorite food: Ice Cream
Hobbies: Yoga
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Lily from How I Met Your Mother
Top thing on your Bucket List: Live with an indian tribe for 3 months
Claudia Núñez
Age: 18
Favorite food: Tuna Salad
Hobbies: Drawing
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Pippi from Pippi LongStocking
Top thing on your Bucket List: Earn my IB Diploma with a 7 on Higher Level Art
Press Chief
Valentina Vitrián
Age: 17
Favorite food: Pancakes
Hobbies: Eat chocolate and sing badly
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Peter from Peter Pan
Top thing on your Bucket List: go backpacking somewhere around the world
Social Media Manager
Mariana Romero
Age: 17
Favorite food: all kinds of bread
Hobbies: Photography
What movie or TV character do you identify the most with? Piglet from Winnie The Pooh
Top thing on your Bucket List: Eat all the chocolate in the world