It is our honor to welcome you, delegates, to the Human Rights Junior Council of the eleventh edition of WAMUN 2016. The Human Rights Council was founded on March 15, 2006 and it replaced the former United Nations Commission of Human Rights. It is responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and addressing situations of human rights violation.
My name is Oriana Seijas and I will be your Chair. I have been participating in MUN’s since I was very young, and have not stopped ever since. My favorite committee has always been Human Rights, and I honestly hope it will be yours too. Your Co-Chair will be Corina Gonzalez, and your Secretary will be Manuel Gomez; both also having very comprehensive MUN experiences that will nurture the committee.
This booklet is a good source of information for the committee; however, you will be expected to conduct further independent research about the topics. If you have any inquiries you may contact us at or at
We genuinely hope that you take advantage of this experience, and become aware of the important matters that surround us all every day. We have really high expectations of your participation and your knowledge inside the committee, to make the discussions more dynamic and creative and are eager to work with all of you.
Oriana Seijas
Chair, Human Rights Council Junior